As The World Turns Recaps: The week of March 17, 2003 on ATWT

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As The World Turns Recaps: The week of March 17, 2003 on ATWT
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the week of March 17, 2003
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Monday, March 17, 2003

Carly mistakenly believes Rosanna's visit to the hospital is because she missed the design deadline. This angers Carly and causes her blood pressure to spike. When Jack arrives, Carly stabilizes. Craig wrongly blames Rosanna for upsetting Carly, but Jack blames Craig. Later, Rosanna admits to Emma that she worries about Carly. Rosanna is distressed when Jack asks Emma if Carly can stay at the farm, fearing Carly is taking over her turf. She informs Craig that Monte Carlo will need a new designer, but Craig insists on sticking with Carly's work. Rose and Paul celebrate their engagement, while Dusty is on the phone telling an unknown person that he can't stop their marriage. Later, Paul asks Dusty to be his best man and Dusty can see that Rose is upset. Dusty recommends a long engagement and Rose questions whether he is for or against the wedding. Rose notices Dusty trying to cover his nervousness so she says she is not opposed to him being Paul's best man. After hearing Rose make another negative remark about Barbara, Lily suggests Rose rethink her attitude. Dusty meets with Barbara, who is not pleased that their plan to keep Rose and Paul apart has failed. He promises to keep on trying. Alison fakes illness with Susan, hoping to evade house arrest. After Chris hears Katie advising Alison on how to impress a jury, he reveals to Alison how Katie's trouble once got him arrested. Alison asks Chris to be nice to Katie. Later, Alison brings gifts from the gift shop to give to Katie and Susan storms in, angry that Alison played sick with her and went on a shopping spree with her credit card. Susan demands Alison come home immediately. Lucy resists taking a step in physical therapy out of fear of losing her balance. Aaron arrives with music and she gets on her feet and, supported by his embrace, sways in place.

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Dusty wants a portion of his money from Barbara. She refuses but is surprised when he says he is leaving. She works to convince him that her cause of breaking up Rose and Paul is justified. Dusty is on the fence until Rose arrives, upon Lily's advice, and tells Barbara she is engaged to Paul. After Rose leaves, Dusty agrees to stay in town and work to find out what she is really after. When Evelyn asks Jessica if she wants to drop the charges against Marshall, Bonnie thinks she should, but Jessica wants to take action. After Bonnie doubts her, Jessica sends Bonnie away. Bonnie apologizes and insists on joining her mother for the arraignment. Marshall informs John Dixon that Ben attacked him and John forbids Ben to examine Marshall. Marshall then tries to convince John that he did not rape Jessica. John orders Marshall to fight back if he is innocent. Meanwhile, Isaac fills Ben in about Marshall's letter to Jessica. Isaac accuses Ben of being blind to Jessica's schemes and vows to keep the letter. Despite his doubts, Ben shows up for Jessica. Later at the hearing, Marshall gives Jessica the video of them making love and delivers his ultimatum -- if they go to trial, the tape will be used as Exhibit A. Craig convinces Carly to continue designing for Monte Carlo. When Jack tries to convince Carly not to work, she assures him she'll be careful. Later, Carly explains to Craig that she is ready to go back to work, but Jack can't know about it. Craig says Rosanna won't know either and they agree to keep it a secret. They work out a plan for Craig to sneak into Emma's to work with Carly.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Rose tells Lily that she went to see Barbara and she seemed "almost human," but she wonders what to tell Paul about her new attitude toward his mother. As they are talking, Paul comes over to Lily's house. Rose tells him that he can invite his mother to their wedding if he would like to. Paul is shocked and asks why. Rose says she doesn't want him to wake up one day and hate her because she prevented him from having a relationship with his mother. She knows that he was starting to work things out with Barbara before she came back to Oakdale. Paul says his mother is "hostile and dangerous" and he wants to make Rose happy. Just then, Emma calls Rose and tells her that Carly is in the hospital. Rose rushes to see her friend and tells Paul they'll talk again.

In the hospital, Craig tells Carly to keep it a secret that she will still be working for him. After Craig leaves, Mike and Molly come to visit with Carly. She asks them if they could bring her lucky sketchpad. They refuse and tell her she needs to rest. She then tells them that she will be moving in with Emma and now is the perfect opportunity for Molly to move back in with Mike. Mike doesn't say anything and Molly says she's really not ready for that yet.

Rosanna calls Barbara to a meeting to discuss Monte Carlo. Rosanna wants Barbara to be the Plan B - which means that if Carly does not complete her designs by the deadline, then Rosanna will use Barbara's fashions. If Carly does come through, Barbara will be paid for her time and efforts. Craig walks in and interrupts their meeting telling them he doesn't want Barbara to be a part of Monte Carlo. Then, Mike and Molly walk in and tell Craig that Carly should not be doing any work at all. Craig is angry with Rosanna but she says she was just looking for an alternative plan since Carly is sick. Craig says that Carly is pregnant; Barbara is a sick woman and he wants her to have no part of Monte Carlo.

Back in the hospital, Carly tries sketching with the limited supplies she has at the hospital but it doesn't go well. Barbara walks in and tells Carly that she ran into Rosanna and they discussed Carly's designs. Carly gets furious and Barbara continues to get her mad. As Carly is yelling at Barbara, Rose walks in and tells Barbara to leave. Craig comes back and tells Carly she must keep their secret.

Mike and Molly talk about their situation. Molly is upset that Mike is giving his attention to Carly and she wishes that Mike had some "tender loving care" for her too. Molly says she wants something permanent and asks Mike to marry her.

At the arraignment, Marshall's lawyer is seeking to have all charges dismissed. Meanwhile, Jessica is confused and asks Bonnie for advice. She's not sure if she should go ahead with the charges because Marshall is blackmailing her with their taped tryst. Ben comes to get Jessica and she explains the situation to him. He asks her if she can go into the courtroom and swear that Marshall raped her. She replies yes and Ben tells her to do it. Jessica goes into the arraignment and makes a statement to the judge. She admits that she had a previous sexual relationship with Marshall but says that does not matter in the case of rape. The judge decides that the rape charge will stand and bail is set at $25,000, with the trial set for three weeks. Marshall goes up to Ben and taunts him - pointing out that on "that night" Jessica sent Ben home because she wasn't afraid to be left alone with Marshall. Ben calls Isaac and asks if he still has the letter Marshall wrote to Jessica. He says he wants to look at it after all.

Paul goes to see his mother and invites her to their wedding. She thanks him but Paul says Rose is the one to be thanked.

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Due to extended coverage of the war in Iraq, today's episode was not shown. There will be no lost episodes -- today's installment will be shown. However, it is currently not known how each of the networks will handle coverage of the military action. Stay tuned to Soap Opera Central for complete updates on when your favorite soaps will be shown.

Friday, March 21, 2003

Due to continuing news coverage of the war in Iraq, today's episode did not air. According to a network spokesperson, no episodes will be lost; as soon as war coverage concludes, the schedule will pick up exactly where it left off.



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